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The Story of Creation
The Story of (Your) Life Kyle Kauffman The Story of (Your) Life Kyle Kauffman

The Story of Creation

Kyle Kauffman

All that we see, touch, smell, hear, and taste (and all that we don’t) was made by God. He spoke everything into existence. God did not create the world because he needed anything, but rather the world was an overflow of the love, joy, and delight the Godhead has within itself. God created the world for his glory to be displayed and enjoyed. God creates the world with limits and order. He first of all forms the universe and then fills it. All that he creates is good. It overflows with beauty and goodness that is meant to be enjoyed as an act of worship to the Creator. The created universe tells us much about God. It displays His goodness, His power, and His wisdom. What we know from God from the very start should shape how we view the world and our lives in it. 

Genesis 1:1-25, 31; Psalm 104

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The Story’s Not About You
The Story of (Your) Life Kyle Kauffman The Story of (Your) Life Kyle Kauffman

The Story’s Not About You

Kyle Kauffman

The story of the universe starts and ends with God. He is the one who writes and rules over the story. He is the one who is at the center of the story. He is the one who the story is all about. He has existed from all eternity and will exist for all eternity. God’s existence is the foundation of how we make sense of this world and our lives. God’s existence is the fountain from which all other existence springs. God’s existence is fundamental reality we are meant to see, know, and enjoy as we walk through this life. It is because God exists that life is not simply a “a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Rather the world, history, and each of our individual lives is a story written by him full of purpose and meaning. It is because of God’s existence that we are not meant to find purpose and meaning by writing our own stories, but in living our lives in line with His story. And it is because of God’s existence that we know this world and life is not all there is. Rather we were created by God to live forever with him. See it’s really good news for us to recognize that the story is not about you and I, but all about Him! 

Genesis 1:1-2

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The Story of the Trees
From the Garden to the Cross Kyle Kauffman From the Garden to the Cross Kyle Kauffman

The Story of the Trees

Kyle Kauffman

Trees in many ways are both a source of life for us. They provide oxygen and nourishment for us. If we were to remove all trees, we would quickly die. Trees in the bible are not only a source of life, but they are also a symbol of life and death. We find two trees in the very beginning that were meant to teach us what it meant to truly have life. Life was to be found in loving, trusting and obeying God. But instead of choosing life, we chose death. But another tree tells us of the one who came and chose death so that we could have life. He died the death we deserve to die so that we could find life in him. We know that even as death continues to rage in this world, we can find life in him. And yet we still long for fullness of life forever. We long for death and all the hurt it has caused to be fully removed and for fullness of life to be all that we experience. This is our future in Jesus because he is our tree of life.

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The Story of the Walk

The Story of the Walk

Joel Wood

There’s something within each of us that craves connection. . .companionship. . .relationship. Whether that’s in the form of friendship or marriage the feeling and desire is the same. It’s intrinsic within each of us and vividly points to the deepest and greatest need inside each of us. . .connection to and fellowship with God, which is what we were created to have. The Bible describes this relationship with God as a walk where He is calling us to spend time with Him, get to know Him as our Creator, hear His heart, know what He wants for us, and know what His plan is for this world. From the very beginning of the story God walked physically and personally with the people He created and at the end of the story He will once again walk physically and personally with the people He saved. Every moment in between tells the story of that walk: how it began, how we lost it, and what God has done to restore that walk with Him. Ultimately, what you discover along the way is the life-changing truth that there is fullness of joy by walking with God both now and forever!

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The Story of Clothing
From the Garden to the Cross Kyle Kauffman From the Garden to the Cross Kyle Kauffman

The Story of Clothing

Kyle Kauffman

Clothes are a daily part of our life. They keep us warm, make us look presentable, and can be a signal of our position/role in life. But clothes also tell a story. They tell a story of honor that was lost, and the shame that replaced it. They tell of story of a savior who bears our shame and clothes us with his honor. They tell a story of clothes we now seek to put on as God renews and changes us. And they tell a story of a day where clothes and bodies will no longer where out because the clothes we are given will last forever.

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Praying For... Kyle Kauffman Praying For... Kyle Kauffman


Kyle Kauffman

The gospel is never meant to be a treasure that we simply hang onto. It is meant to be the good news we also offer to the world. The gospel will not advance without people proclaiming the gospel. But we should be just as aware that the gospel will not advance without us praying for the advance of the gospel. (We want to see what God did at Keystone this week in us spill out into our communities. To that end we should pray that God would use us to advance the gospel in our surrounding areas).

Colossians 4:2-4; Ephesians 6:18-20; 2 Corinthians 4:4-6

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Praying For... Kyle Kauffman Praying For... Kyle Kauffman


Kyle Kauffman

We are constantly accumulating new information. Whether it is in reading, observing, talking, or just simply reflecting, we are people who live according to what we already know and make adjustments in our lives based on new knowledge. Sadly, knowledge has often come to simply be associated with knowing certain facts. Knowledge is meant to be so much more then knowing mere facts. Knowledge is meant to shape and impact the way that we live. Knowledge for the Christian should lead to love, trust, and obedience. How often do we pray for this type of knowledge? Our prayers should be directed to growing in knowledge, not so that we can simply be smarter, but so that we can live a life of worship and a life pleasing to God.

Colossians 1:3-14

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Praying For... Kyle Kauffman Praying For... Kyle Kauffman


Kyle Kauffman

As a parent, one of your great desires is to see your kids grow up and mature. As great as it is to have young kids, no one wants to see their kids remain young forever. We want to see kids grow into mature adults. In the same way, we should want to grow as Christians. We should want to mature and become more and more like Christ in how we think, in how we feel, in how we speak, and in how we live. This is God’s ultimate goal for us – to be conformed to the image of Jesus. How often does this goal show up in and shape both our prayers for ourselves and for others? We should pray for God to complete the work he began in us by helping us to become more like Jesus.

Philippians 1:3-11

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Praying For... Kyle Kauffman Praying For... Kyle Kauffman


Kyle Kauffman

Prayer is an acknowledgment of our weakness and God’s power. It’s a recognition that we are dependent people and a recognition that God is capable of doing anything. While we tend to naturally know that, how often do we pray for God’s power to be at work in us and in others rather than simply for his power to be at work in changing circumstances? God has incredible power to work in our lives. And we should pray for Him to unleash that power in order to strengthen us.

Ephesians 3:14-21

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Praying For... Kyle Kauffman Praying For... Kyle Kauffman


Kyle Kauffman

Hope is an incredibly powerful thing in our lives. It has the ability to shape our outlook day-by-day. It can shape how we go through our lives. It can strengthen us to walk through the most difficult times. It can sustain us when we are tempted to give up. In short, hope has the ability to make a massive difference in your life. Yet how often do we pray for hope both for ourselves and for others? If hope is such a powerful thing in our lives, we should pray that God will fill us with hope. We should pray for a hope that is centered on God. We should pray for hope that is clear, powerful, and unwavering for both ourselves and other people.

Ephesians 1:15-23

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