As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another,
as good stewards of God's varied grace.
1 Peter 4:10
Serving isn’t something we want FROM our people; it’s something we want FOR our people—that we’d experience the joy of partnering with God as an instrument in his redemptive hands and using our gifts for the good of one another.
God has gifted each person who has made Keystone Church home
and we greatly desire to help them find their fit,
not just in an environment where they can grow well, but also a place where they can serve well.
Current Volunteer Needs
Next Generation
Description: Help us care for the littlest in our church family while mom and dad enjoy service.
Frequency: One time a month during second service
Learn More: contact Marcy LePrell at 717-324-1133 or Marcy@leprell.org
Description: We are looking for an adult Games Helper in the Orchard during 2nd service on the 1st and 3rd weeks of the month.
Frequency: Twice a month.
Learn More: Contact Megan or Tiffany at kids@keystonechurch.org.
Description: We are looking for an adult Classroom Helper for the Treehouse during 2nd service on the 2nd and 4th weeks of the month.
Frequency: Twice a month.
Learn More: Contact Megan or Tiffany at kids@keystonechurch.org.
Description: We are looking for an adult Games Helper for the Lodge during 2nd service on the 2nd and 4th week of the month.
Frequency: Twice a month.
Learn More: Contact Megan or Tiffany at kids@keystonechurch.org.
Description: We are looking for additional team members to lead lessons for 3rd-6th graders, focusing on the nations and how youth can get involved in the Great Commission even now.
Frequency: One Sunday per month during the 9am service.
Learn More: Contact Keith at krohrer@keystonechurch.org.
Description: We are looking for responsible Youth Helpers in Kids Ministry to assist in various age groups during either service, pending parent approval
Frequency: Typically once or twice a month.
Learn More: Contact Megan or Tiffany at kids@keystonechurch.org.
Description: We are looking for adults who are willing to substitute for regular Kids Ministry Helpers.
Frequency: As often as you’d like!
Learn More: Contact Megan or Tiffany at kids@keystonechurch.org.
Description: We are looking for 2-3 adults to be paired with a child with special needs to share the gospel and foster connections.
Frequency: Twice a month
Learn More: Contact Megan or Joelyn at sunshinekids@keystonechurch.org.
Description: We are looking for adults who are willing to substitute for regular Sunshine Kids Buddies.
Frequency: As needed
Learn More: Contact Megan or Joelyn at sunshinekids@keystonechurch.org.
Description: We are looking for people who are passionate about helping others and are willing to help mobilize the congregation to love and serve one another.
Frequency: Monthly meeting and as needed
Learn More: Contact Kevin Klob at klob4him@epix.net.
What: Greet with a smile and a welcome those who are parking in our “New Here” parking area and direct them to the main entrance. Help guests find parking when lot might be fuller than usual.
When: 1x/mo. at one service. 1st service 8:45a – 9:15a; 2nd service 10:15a – 10:45a.
Learn more: contact Joel Wood: jwood@keystonechurch.org
What: Welcome those who are new to Keystone, help new families register their children for KidsMin, connect people to events taking place, help people find where they need to go. Complete training will be provided and you’d be teamed with someone who has been serving at the Info Center.
When: 1x/mo. at one service. 1st service 8:45a – 9:15a; 2nd service 10:15a – 10:45a.
Learn more: contact Joel Wood: jwood@keystonechurch.org
What: Welcome those who come to Keystone and when needed help them find a seat. Help take a count of how many are in each service.
When: 1x/mo. at one service. 1st service 8:45a – 10:15a; 2nd service 10:20a – 12:00p.
Learn more: contact Joel Wood: jwood@keystonechurch.org
Help organize & direct a team to host the Perspectives mission course at Keystone. Jobs like administration, promotion, budgeting, recruiting, and grading papers will all be needed if we are to launch this life-changing ministry. Contact info@keystonechurch.org to learn more.
Adult Ministries
Description: Lead a small group at Keystone made up of 8-12 people in meeting together and caring for one another. Leaders will receive initial and ongoing training for this role.
Frequency: Groups usually Meet 2x a Month. Shepherds commit to leading a group for at least a year.
Learn More: Contact Kyle Kauffman, kkauffman@keystonechurch.org.
Description: Be part of the team to plan and help to lead various women's ministry events throughout the year.
Frequency: 1 year commitment. Team meetings 4 times per year. Assist with events several times per year.
Learn More: Contact Lynette Nisly, Women's Ministry Coordinator at lmnisly@gmail.com or 717-475-0117.
Description: Be part of a list of volunteers who may be willing to help for large events (annual retreat, Spring Tea) to prepare food, help with set up and/or tear down, make coffee/drinks, greet women, and other needs.
Frequency: Once to several times per year.
Learn More: Contact Lynette Nisly, Women's Ministry Coordinator at lmnisly@gmail.com or 717-475-0117.
Description: Be the host on an evening you choose and welcome women into your home for an informal time of learning to know each other and sharing together. (Typically, between 4-8 women)
Frequency: Determined by the volunteer, as needed.
Learn More: Contact Lynette Nisly, Women's Ministry Coordinator at lmnisly@gmail.com or 717-475-0117.
Description: Meet with another woman (matched with you by the Women's Ministry Team) for the purpose of building a relationship, growing spiritually, encouragement in her phase of life, and gentle challenge when needed.
Frequency: 1 year commitment. Meet with your mentee about twice a month at a time that works best for you and your mentee.
Learn More: Contact Natalie Smoker, Flourish Coordinator, at nlgood3652@yahoo.com or 717-682-9122.
Description: Join a team helping to cart stacks of chairs to the storage closet after second service.
Frequency: Serve each Sunday for a month every other month.
Learn More: Contact Merle Weaver at maweaver1@gmail.com
Worship Arts & Tech
We're looking for drummers, guitar/bass players, and keyboard players interested in helping lead worship on Sunday mornings. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings. Most team members serve once or twice a month.
Check out the Worship Team Application to learn more and to apply.Have questions?
Email worship@keystonechurch.org.
Office Support
Each week, the previous service video and the sermon audio are edited and made available on the church website. It would be preferable to have this completed on Sunday or Monday. The entire process should take less than an hour, and can be done at the church, or remotely with a good internet connection. Serve as often as you'd like or as your schedule allows.
Contact Andrew McLean (amclean@keystonechurch.org) for more info.