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A Passion for Reaching the Next Generation
Heartbeat Joel Wood Heartbeat Joel Wood

A Passion for Reaching the Next Generation

Joel Wood

One of the greatest privileges that God gives us is to tell the Next Generation about who He is and what He’s done for us. We get the incredible privilege of being God’s ambassadors and messengers to our kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, and anyone else we know in the next generation. This role of passing on the good news of who God is and what he’s done takes time and intentionality, along with flexibility and spontaneity. It takes teaching, modeling, and praying for the next generation. It is an incredibly high calling and an incredibility difficult calling. And yet we carry out this calling believing in a God who can use us as his instruments to create a passion in the Next Generation for God and His Glory.

Psalm 78

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A Passion for Reaching the Nations
Heartbeat Brandon Fisher Heartbeat Brandon Fisher

A Passion for Reaching the Nations

Brandon Fisher

The Old Testament primarily tells the story of God’s dealings with the people of Israel. But even in this story we find that God cares about the rest of the nations as well. He never intends his blessing and grace to stop with his people, but rather wants it to overflow in an effort to draw the nations to himself. God is on a mission to see his glory displayed and enjoyed among people from all the nations. He is accomplishing that mission. He will see it through to fulfillment. And we get the joyful privilege of being a part of the mission both globally and locally in our own community.

Psalm 67

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A Passion for Living Authentically
Heartbeat Kyle Kauffman Heartbeat Kyle Kauffman

A Passion for Living Authentically

Kyle Kauffman

One of the things we can’t escape as we read through the Psalm is how honest and raw the psalmists are in their worship of God. They lay before God their struggles, doubts, difficulties, pains and more. And they lay these things bare before other people as well. It’s so easy for us to hide what is really happening within us in our hearts either from God (who already knows) or from other people. The Psalmist’s show us that glorifying God is not putting on a nice face and act, but rather it’s found in wrestling with the difficult and painful realities of life in God’s presence. We glorify God by laying our hearts bare before him and walking with him through the painful, discouraging, and overwhelming moments of our lives. We also glorify God as we share our struggles with others and invite them in to support, encourage, and pray for us.

Psalm 13

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A Passion for Generosity
Heartbeat Kyle Kauffman Heartbeat Kyle Kauffman

A Passion for Generosity

Kyle Kauffman

God is an incredibly generous God. He owes us nothing and yet he gives us life, and breath, and all that we have. All that we truly deserve is judgment for our sin, yet God regularly displays his grace in how he generously provides for us. We glorify God not only by acknowledging His generosity, but also in being generous with all that he’s given us. We want to be a people who joyfully worship God by giving freely to meet the needs of others and see the gospel advance. We want to be a people who give generously so that in our generosity people might come to know the generous God who is behind all we have.

Psalm 112

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A Passion for God’s Word
Heartbeat Ben Armstrong Heartbeat Ben Armstrong

A Passion for God’s Word

Ben Armstrong

We want to be people of the Book. We believe God has written us a book and speaks through a book and so we want to be people who listen to and hear His voice as we read the Bible. We believe that a heart after God and his glory is a heart that delights in God’s Word and is more and more shaped by God’s Word. We want to have a regular commitment to taking in God’s Word so that we might be people who are shaped and influenced by it.

Psalm 1

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Visions of a King Kyle Kauffman Visions of a King Kyle Kauffman


Kyle Kauffman

Jesus’ first coming shows us further what type of King he is, the hope he offers us, and what our rightful response should be to him. We honor him by trusting his word, submitting to his rule, and giving our lives in worship to him. In these ways we not only remember and celebrate his arrive but also anticipate and look forward to his return.

Matthew 1:18-2:12

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The Exalted King
Visions of a King Kyle Kauffman Visions of a King Kyle Kauffman

The Exalted King

Kyle Kauffman

Where is this story headed? It’s a question we all wonder whether it’s in reading a book or watching a movie, or in thinking about our own lives, or in thinking about the whole world and all of history. Zechariah 14 gives a picture of where the story is headed. It’s headed to the place where our King reigns over his people in a perfect paradise. That’s how the story ends/begins. That doesn’t mean our king isn’t currently reigning, it’s just that we are still waiting for the full results and revealing of his reign as King. In the meantime we are called to live as those who submit our lives to his reign. We do this as we trust and worship him through whatever comes our way, and we do this as we seek to obey him in every area of our lives.

Zechariah 14

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The Shepherd King
Visions of a King Kyle Kauffman Visions of a King Kyle Kauffman

The Shepherd King

Kyle Kauffman

Israel struggled with rulers who always seemed to care more about themselves then they did about their people. We struggle with the same reality today. Whether in politics, the church, or other places, we are so often disappointed by our leaders. We get our hopes up, only to realize that leaders far to often care more about themselves then they do about their people. God promises that his coming King will be a shepherd to his people. He will rescue them, care for them, protect them, and lead them in the way they should go. This shepherd will bring God’s people safely home to be live with Him one day. But surprisingly this shepherd is first rejected by his people and then struck down by God himself. Yet the shepherd refuses to abandon his people and shows his love for them by dying in their place.

Zechariah 10-11; 13:7-9

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The Warrior King
Visions of a King Kyle Kauffman Visions of a King Kyle Kauffman

The Warrior King

Kyle Kauffman

When we think about Jesus, how often do we think of him as a warrior? Yet that’s a picture of Jesus that’s given to us both in Zechariah and in Revelation. That’s really good news for those who feel weak, needy, and oppressed. Which is exactly the case for the Israelites who have returned from Exile. They need to know that God will come to fight against there enemies, strengthen them, and ultimately bring peace. We often feel like we are losing in this world. The world mocks us, sin and Satan tempts us, and death one day comes for us. But we are not called to live with a defeatist mindset. We look back to the king who fought against sin, Satan, and death and won. And we look forward to the King’s return when he will eradicate all evil and bring perfect piece. In the meantime we know our King is advancing his kingdom through the church and so we join him in the fight as we declare his victory and live in light of his victory and remember that our battle is not against flesh and blood

Zechariah 9; Ephesians 3:10, 6:10-20

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Eating With Sinners
Share a Meal With Me Ben Armstrong Share a Meal With Me Ben Armstrong

Eating With Sinners

Ben Armstrong

Nothing says HOLIDAY SEASON more than a picture of people gathered around a table of food. Whether that table is 20 feet long and filled with the best food available or is a meager card table with a McDonalds Happy Meal on it to be shared, the concept of “sharing a meal” together is inseparably connected to the DNA of human life and existence. Something special happens around food. When a meal is shared defenses are lowered, relationship is created, bonds are formed, community is nurtured, and hunger is satisfied. And all this is not only what each of us desperately longs for, but also what God desires to take place among us both in relationship with Him and with others. Through the gift of food and feasts, God invites us all into community! In this second message, Pastor Ben will look at who Jesus chose to eat with and how that challenges us to show mercy and love to those that we may culturally want to avoid.

Luke 5:27-32

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