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A Kingdom of Authority
Stories of a Kingdom Kyle Kauffman Stories of a Kingdom Kyle Kauffman

A Kingdom of Authority

Kyle Kauffman

To belong to God’s Kingdom means to see our lives and all we have as belonging to Him. He is the one who created us and is meant to rule over us. And yet often, we try to rule over our lives rather than submitting ourselves to His rule. We hold onto things as if they belong to us, rather than gladly entrusting them to His care. We refuse to do obey Him even after He patiently calls for our obedience. The greatest act of resistance is to reject God’s Son who came to give his life for us so that we might live our lives for Him. If we resist God’s rule and reject His sovereignty over our lives then God will pour out His judgment on us.

Luke 20:9-19

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A Kingdom of Shocking Grace
Stories of a Kingdom Brandon Fisher Stories of a Kingdom Brandon Fisher

A Kingdom of Shocking Grace

Brandon Fisher

God loves to give people what they don’t deserve in order to display His generosity. His Kingdom is a Kingdom of grace where he gives what he pleases to whom He pleases. We can be prone to believe that we deserve more than what we have been given. But those who live within God’s Kingdom are meant to see all they have been given as undeserved grace. This then enables us to live with joyful gratitude and rejoice in evidences of God’s grace to other people.

Matthew 20:1-16

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