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But First, God
Let's Be Honest Kyle Kauffman Let's Be Honest Kyle Kauffman

But First, God

Kyle Kauffman

Before getting honest with each other, we are meant to get honest with God. It’s pointless to start confessing our sins to one another if we have not first confessed our sin to God. Real confession and repentance start with realizing that our sin is first and foremost against God. We also recognize that our sin is not simply bad behavior, but rather a heart that is resistant to God. And we recognize that forgiveness and real change must come from God. So, we approach God with honesty, confessing our sin to him, receiving grace from him, and asking Him to be the one who cleanses us and changes our hearts. 

Psalm 51

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Hearts Exposed

Hearts Exposed

Kyle Kauffman

Jonah’s response to the salvation of Nineveh is one of the most surprising parts of this book. How can Jonah be so upset that God chose to save Nineveh? Why would Jonah, who has been a recipient of God’s amazing love and grace, be so angry when God shows that same love and grace to others? Yet, even as we ask those questions, we are forced to see something of ourselves in Jonah. How often, do we as recipients of God’s grace live with an attitude towards others that is completely out of line with his grace? How often are we who have been saved, completely comfortable with the through that other will perish?  How often does our attitude towards the world (especially whoever we perceive as our enemies) the same as Jonah’s? We find in Jonah our own hearts being clearly exposed even as we also find God’s heart for us being clearly revealed.

Jonah 4:1-4

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When God Relents & Angles Party

When God Relents & Angles Party

Brandon Fisher

Jonah 3:5-10 may be one of the most surprising sections of the Bible. An entire city, along with its King, who were enemies of God and His people believe the message of Jonah and responded in repentance. We find in this section that God’s power is able to save even those who we think are most beyond the reach of saving. We find a picture of what true repentance looks like. And we also see a beautiful picture of how God responds to repentance.

Jonah 3:5-10

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Hope in Odd Places
Visions of Hope Kyle Kauffman Visions of Hope Kyle Kauffman

Hope in Odd Places

Kyle Kauffman

We long for second chances. We all know the feeling of having blown it… whether in the immediate past or distant past. How can we get back on track after our failures? Where do we find hope in the face of screwing up yet again? Can I really get another chance at life after I’ve really messed up? Zechariah is written to a people desperately in need of a restart and a second chance. And his initial charge to them is to repent and seek God’s favor. This is the soil that hope grows in when we are discouraged with our own failures. It’s also the soil that the Christian life grows and thrives from.

Zechariah 1:1-6

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