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Sermon Series
- Christmas Is Life 4
- Come and See 1
- Disciples Making Disciples 4
- Ephesians: Together in Christ 10
- Fight for Joy! 8
- Fighting Fear with FEAR 6
- Forever Now 7
- From the Garden to the Cross 3
- Heartbeat 5
- Hebrews: Jesus is Better 14
- Jesus' Heartbeat 3
- Joy Full 20
- Legacies Are Unavoidable 1
- Let's Be Honest 6
- Living for Jesus as the Nation Heaves 2
- Mission Conference 1
- Praying For... 5
- Press Pause 4
- Rethinking Suffering 6
- Share a Meal With Me 2
- Speak! 3
- Stories of a Kingdom 10
- Strange Encounters 3
- The Doctor's Cure 17
- The Final Countdown 27
- The Last Words of Jesus 8
- The Story of (Your) Life 12
- The Story of Jonah and God's Relentless Love 8
- Transitions 6
- Truth Be Told 5
- Upside Down Christmas 3
- Visions of Hope 6
- Visions of a King 4
- Welcome Home 5
- What If? 2
- Which Kind of Parenting is Best? 5
- Worth the Wait 3
- Anxiety & Fear 3
- Blessing 1
- Christian Growth 21
- Confidence 1
- Eternity 8
- Evangelism 1
- Grace 21
- Hope 19
- Hospitality 2
- Humanity 2
- Jesus' Identity 23
- Joy 22
- Justice 2
- Kingdom 4
- Mission & Discipleship 14
- Prayer 7
- Relationships 18
- Repentance 4
- Rest 4
- Sabbath 4
- Salvation 23
- Sin 14
- Suffering 2
- The Character of God 14
- The Church 25
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Reason for Joy
Kyle Kauffman
As we go through life our circumstances change from day-to-day. There are moments where it’s easy to have joy because everything is going well. And there are moments where it’s difficult to have joy because nothing seems to be going well. Yet if we believe in the gospel we have reason for joy in any and every circumstance we face. We have a joy in Christ that can both transcend our circumstances and transform how we face our circumstances. This doesn’t mean that joy will not be intermixed with sorrow and sadness. But it means as we fight to have joy in this life we will always have good reasons for joy because of Jesus.
1 John 5:14-21

The Grounding of Our Faith
Kyle Kauffman
Why do we believe what we believe? It’s a question we all tend to ask at times. And there are lots of different answers we may give to that question. The Christian faith is not something we simply believe because we want it to be true. It’s something we believe because it really is true. Our faith in grounded in historical events that testify to the truth of what we believe. And the Holy Spirit confirms within us that what we believe is true. As a result of this, Christian’s can have a hope for the future that is both secure and certain. We are able to bank on God’s promises because we see what he has already done for us in Jesus. And so we are able to live with a joy in God’s promises knowing that because of Jesus they all come true.
1 John 5:6-13

The Eyes of Faith
Kyle Kauffman
The Christian life is a life of faith. We live by faith in God and we live by faith in a God who loved us and gave up his Son for us. This faith should always lead to/produce love for God and love for others. But faith is not ultimately something that we produce. It is the result of God’s regenerating work in us (both past and present). Our faith then is evidenced by love for God and love for others. Love is evidence of faith which is evidence of God’s work in regenerating us. Therefore, our faith and love are not things we boast in, but things that lead us to boast in the God who has saved us and changed us.
1 John 5:1-5

The Spirit-Powered Christ-Life
Joel Wood
We do not have the power to live the life God calls us to on our own. The Christian life is not a grit your teeth and try harder to obey what God calls us to obey. The Christian life is finding power in God to do what God calls us to. God gives us the Holy Spirit so that we might both be assured of his love and so that we might be transformed into loving people. The Spirit frees us from the fear of falling short and enables us to truly love God and love each other as God has called us to.
1 John 4:13-21

Live Out the Love of God
Joel Wood
Jesus has shown us what God is really like. Jesus as also shown us what love is really like. If we want to know God, we look to Jesus. If we want to know love, we look to Jesus. We live in a time where God is love has been turned into love is God. We assume that we are able to discover love on our own and then our view of love should be universally acceptable. The Christian worldview instead says we look to God to discover what love looks like and to find the love we truly long for. And then we reflect him by demonstrating that same love in our relationships with others. As we see how unlovely we are and yet how great God’s love is for us, we find power to love when loving each other is difficult.
1 John 4:7-12

The Filter
Joel Wood
We need to be discerning in who we give our ears and or attention to. Just because people sound good does not mean we should listen to them. Just because people are saying what we like does not mean we should listen to them. Discernment on what voices and what content we allow into our lives takes work, but is worth the effort. We find joy in discerning what is true and allowing that to shape our life and discerning what is false and avoiding that.
1 John 4:1-6

The Joy of Assurance
Kyle Kauffman
So many of us live with a constant low-level sense of condemnation. We are painfully aware of our sinfulness. We are painfully aware of all the ways that we have failed God or other people. We are painfully aware of the fact that we don’t measure up in some area where we feel like we should measure up. Whether it’s because of what other people have said to us, what Satan has whispered into our ears, or just simply what we tell ourselves over and over again, we live feeling condemned and defeated. The gospel should be the end of all condemnation in our lives. It should crush every voice that leaves us feeling condemned. And the gospel as a result frees us to live a live that is really pleasing to God.
1 John 3:19-24

The Joy of Sacrificial Love
Kyle Kauffman
The church is not meant to be a place where we smile at each other, make small talk with one another, but secretly we are indifferent to each other or harbor hateful thoughts and feelings toward each other. Too often this is what we settle for: a smile on the outside with a heart of indifference or hate on the inside. This is no different than Cain. We find the power to really love each other when we are living in confidence of God’s love for us. And we find the pattern for loving each other in the way that Christ has loved us. We are called to real love because real love changes people. Afterall it was God’s real and costly love for us that has changed us.
1 John 3:11-18

The Joy of Freedom
Kyle Kauffman
We all take our freedom very seriously. We don’t want anyone encroaching on our freedom or taking away a part of our freedom. But do we realize that true freedom is not found in living however we want, but rather in living how God designed us and wants us to live? While a life lived for self may seem to be a life of freedom, in reality it’s a life controlled by sin and Satan. The freedom that God grants us in Jesus is the freedom to turn away from the power of sin and live for him. We now have the ability to say no to sin and yes to God. This is the type of freedom we were designed for. And this is the type of freedom we find in Christ.
1 John 3:4-10

The Joy of Being a Child
Kyle Kauffman
One of the greatest privileges of being a Christian is to be adopted by God. Our adoption into God’s family should be a continual source of joy for us. God has made you his child forever. Which means that we have all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of belonging to God’s family. We can find peace in knowing God is our Father. We can find value in knowing we are his children. We can look with confidence to our future because of what we will be. And we can live with a new purpose right now because of our belonging to God’s family.
1 John 3:1-3