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Sermon Series
- Christmas Is Life 4
- Come and See 1
- Disciples Making Disciples 4
- Ephesians: Together in Christ 10
- Fight for Joy! 8
- Fighting Fear with FEAR 6
- Forever Now 7
- From the Garden to the Cross 3
- Heartbeat 5
- Hebrews: Jesus is Better 14
- Jesus' Heartbeat 3
- Joy Full 20
- Legacies Are Unavoidable 1
- Let's Be Honest 6
- Living for Jesus as the Nation Heaves 2
- Mission Conference 1
- Praying For... 5
- Press Pause 4
- Rethinking Suffering 6
- Share a Meal With Me 2
- Speak! 3
- Stories of a Kingdom 10
- Strange Encounters 3
- The Doctor's Cure 17
- The Final Countdown 27
- The Last Words of Jesus 8
- The Story of (Your) Life 12
- The Story of Jonah and God's Relentless Love 8
- Transitions 6
- Truth Be Told 5
- Upside Down Christmas 3
- Visions of Hope 6
- Visions of a King 4
- Welcome Home 5
- What If? 2
- Which Kind of Parenting is Best? 5
- Worth the Wait 3
- Anxiety & Fear 3
- Blessing 1
- Christian Growth 21
- Confidence 1
- Eternity 8
- Evangelism 1
- Grace 21
- Hope 19
- Hospitality 2
- Humanity 2
- Jesus' Identity 23
- Joy 22
- Justice 2
- Kingdom 4
- Mission & Discipleship 14
- Prayer 7
- Relationships 18
- Repentance 4
- Rest 4
- Sabbath 4
- Salvation 23
- Sin 14
- Suffering 2
- The Character of God 14
- The Church 25
- March 2025 2
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Fear of God > Failure
Kyle Kauffman
How does fearing God overcome our fear of failing at something in this life? We are often terrified to step out and try something new or to step up and lead something because we are scared of failing and not living up to expectations. We are often scared to let either ourselves or others down. Deep down many people tend to feel inadequate, insufficient, and unqualified. We believe that God can do anything, but we are not so sure he can do anything through us. But a proper understanding of who God is and how he works can enable us to take risks with our lives. Because we know that what’s most important is not our success or failure. We know that the results ultimately lie in God’s hands. And we are confident that he will use even (especially) our failures for good.

Fear of God > Suffering & Dying
Joel Wood
How does fearing God overcome the fear we all tend to have when it comes to suffering and dying? We know that we will suffer at times in this life and that we will all die. But the fear of these things happening in the future can keep us paralyzed in the present. A proper fear of God frees us from fearing what may lie in the future for us. We don’t need to fear suffering and death because we have the presence of God with us and the promise of God to anchor us no matter what happens in our lives. We can know that God will bring good from our suffering and that death will only serve to make us better.

Fear of God > Fear of Man
Joel Wood
How does fearing God overcome the pervasive fear of man in our lives? Whether it’s wanting to please people, fearing rejection and criticism, or just being concerned with what other people think about us, fear of man tends to run deep. A proper fear of God can enable us to overcome our fear of man and obey God even when it may cost us people’s approval and rejection or opposition. A BIG view of God enables us to see man in his proper place and as a result to not be held captive in fear of other people. And a correct view of God can give us the desire to please him alone and not live for the approval of people.

Fear of God > Fear of Uncertainty
Kyle Kauffman
There are so many things in this life that are uncertain. It’s easy for our minds to dwell on the uncertainty and try to play out all the ‘what ifs.’ When we do that, we often imagine the worst and anxiously worry about the bad things that could happen to us and to our loved ones. We grasp for ways to control the outcome of the future, but the uncertainty still remains. When we meditate on all that is uncertain, we tend to become fearful and anxious. God instead invites us to meditate on what is certain… by fixing our minds on what is true… his character, his words, his promises.

The Forgotten Fear
Kyle Kauffman
We rarely speak of fearing God today and even when we do, we can still end up easily misunderstanding what it means to fear God. Though we all know what it feels like to fear something the idea of fearing God often remains unclear and fuzzy to us. We wonder if we should still fear God today. And if so, what should that fear look like? Does fear mean that we should be afraid of God? Or is fear only something non-Christians should experience because they have not yet come under God’s grace? Fear of God can feel like something that we read about in our Bibles and yet are unsure about in our lives. But we need to recognize that a right fear of God is actually the doorway into wisdom, hope, joy, and peace.

A World Full of Fears
Kyle Kauffman
There are all sorts of things we may fear in this life. Sometimes fear can be a minor phobia and at other times it can be a crippling panic. Fears can be obvious and very clear. But fears can also remain hidden and be hard to identify. Fear in and of itself is not a bad thing. There are certain things we are right to be afraid of. But fear is a very powerful emotion and it has the ability to enslave us, control our lives, and guide the decisions we make with our lives. Because what we fear will ultimately affect how we live. It’s important to understand what causes us to fear and what lies behind our fears in order for us to better understand why we fear. Ultimately, we want to see what is happening in our hearts that leads us to fear certain things or people. And then to see that the solution to our fears is not simply to stop fearing, but rather to put our fear in the proper place where it belongs.