Join the conversation today by reading Pastor Keith’s blog, Envoy, as he delves into the topic of reproducible disciple-making.
“Tell them Jesus died for them.”
Hamza is a young boy in northern Yemen who will grow up in the religion practiced by all of his relatives and tribal connections. Almost no one among these 13 million people knows that Jesus died and rose for them.
In Niger, west Africa, a woman cleans her small hut as her husband’s other wives also go about their domestic duties. Dalanda tries to pray five times a day but children sometimes interfere with her piety. Barricaded by Islam, she sometimes wonders why God does not love women as much as men, never having heard of a Savior who gave his life for women as well as men.
Though secular himself, a well-educated and successful Brahman lawyer in India is hidden from the gospel by his loyalty to his parents’ Hinduism. Helping shield him from this good news are the other 59 million Brahmans who are also Hindu.
We proclaim the gospel’s hope on our streets, in our schools, assembly lines and offices, and those seated next to us on a plane. But local ministry is not a finish line, it’s a launchpad sending God’s people to the remaining 7000 people groups still without the good news. Over 3 billion people live where there are no churches, no Bibles, no local Christian witness, no internet ministry access.
These are the unreached.
These are people who deserve to hear the gospel…

“No one has the right to hear the gospel twice while there remains someone who has not heard it ONCE.”
- Oswald J. Smith
97% of field workers scattered around the world work where the gospel already has a beachhead. 99% of donor giving goes to those serving in reached places. The apostles didn’t think like this. In Romans 15:20 Paul wrote…
“My ambition has always been to preach the Good News where the name of Christ has never been heard, rather than where a church has already been started by someone else.”
We are asking God to raise up 24 people from Keystone to serve the world’s 7000 people groups still hidden from Christ by language, religion, geography or politics. If He actually does raise up two dozen—or even one dozen, it will testify that something else happened: that God first convinced many of us that Jesus’ assignment is not just for those who go, but those who stay too: learning, praying, giving, mobilizing.

US Partners
Life Action Ministries: Tech director for revival ministry and its travel teams.
Missionary Aviation Repair Center: Repairs mission aircraft.
JAARS/Wycliffe: Develop Android app for users to translate Bible stories into their own language, and create simple and sharable Bible story videos.
CRU: Shares the gospel and disciples university students.
Reach Global: Mobilizes and equips believers to serve in Christ’s name in the mission field created in the wake of community crises (like natural disasters) both near and far.
Initiates church planting movements by reaching those from unreached people groups who have been scattered to the US and elsewhere.
Global Partners
Help lead Gordley Gap Year program.
Serve with Semillas de Vida (Seeds of Life) church plant & ministry.
Direct Gap Year program for 17-22 year-olds from US & Canada using Bible & language training. Discipling through training in business development and business as mission.
Do evangelism and discipleship, and biblical counseling.
Do relational evangelism & discipleship with school students and other contacts through sports, Bible studies, business-like endeavors, and serving the local church.
In addition, other partners are showing the Father’s love to unreached people in restricted places.