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Fullness of Life
Christmas Is Life Kyle Kauffman Christmas Is Life Kyle Kauffman

Fullness of Life

Kyle Kauffman

We all have the desire for a life that is full, satisfying, and complete. But so often we look for life in the wrong places thinking that what we long for can be found somewhere other than God. Jesus came so that we might find life in God. Not simply so that we could treat God as an add-on to our already full lives. The more we come to truly know God the more we find our hearts and lives satisfied in him. Jesus came so that we might truly know God. In Jesus we find a God who is full of glory, full of grace, and full of love. It’s as we live to know this this God that we find the fulness of life we are longing for.  

John 1:14-18

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Newness of Life
Christmas Is Life Kyle Kauffman Christmas Is Life Kyle Kauffman

Newness of Life

Kyle Kauffman

Jesus came to this earth, not simply because we need a good example to follow or a good teacher to give us spiritual pep talks. He came to this earth because apart from him we don’t really have life. He did not come to this earth simply so that we can have a day off in December, fun traditions, and a reason to give each other presents. If that’s all Christmas is, it’s just a distraction from reality that makes us forget our terminal condition. Jesus came to this earth to give life to those who are dead. John 1:10-13 exposes our desperate situation, holds out the hope of new life in Christ, and shows us how this new life is received and enjoyed.

John 1:9-13

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The Author of Life
Christmas Is Life Kyle Kauffman Christmas Is Life Kyle Kauffman

The Author of Life

Kyle Kauffman

John 1:1-3 introduces us to the “Who” behind Christmas. In one of the most precise, powerful statements in the Bible, John tells us the one who came as a baby at Christmas is the God who created life (and all things) and gives meaning to life and our existence. John reveals that behind and at very center of Christmas stands the God who wants to be Known. This is why He created, this is why He took on human flesh, this is why He still speaks to us today. We find that Christmas supplies answers to some of our most important questions in this life like, “Why am I here? How can I find meaning for my life? Does God exist? If He does, how can I know Him and relate to Him? And so we find that Christmas challenges us to orient our lives completely around knowing this God.

John 1:1-3; 17:3

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The Light of Life
Christmas Is Life Kyle Kauffman Christmas Is Life Kyle Kauffman

The Light of Life

Kyle Kauffman

Light and life are intricately connected. Light is necessary for life to exist. Light enables us to see things as we should. Light exposes what would otherwise remain hidden. Light gives us hope in the face of darkness. When John declares that Jesus is the light, He is saying the exact same thing about Him. There may be all sorts of other places we look for ‘light’ in this life. But light that truly brings life, joy, and hope is only found in Jesus. We see our lives differently when we see that Jesus is the light. We walk through life differently when we see Jesus is the light. And we find hope in all the darkness of our lives when we see Jesus is the light. Jesus came at Christmas so that our lives might be connected to and illuminated by Him as our light.

John 1:4-9

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