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Sermon Series
- Christmas Is Life 4
- Come and See 1
- Disciples Making Disciples 4
- Ephesians: Together in Christ 10
- Fight for Joy! 8
- Fighting Fear with FEAR 6
- Forever Now 7
- From the Garden to the Cross 3
- Heartbeat 5
- Hebrews: Jesus is Better 14
- Jesus' Heartbeat 3
- Joy Full 20
- Legacies Are Unavoidable 1
- Let's Be Honest 6
- Living for Jesus as the Nation Heaves 2
- Mission Conference 1
- Praying For... 5
- Press Pause 4
- Rethinking Suffering 6
- Share a Meal With Me 2
- Speak! 3
- Stories of a Kingdom 10
- Strange Encounters 3
- The Doctor's Cure 17
- The Final Countdown 27
- The Last Words of Jesus 8
- The Story of (Your) Life 12
- The Story of Jonah and God's Relentless Love 8
- Transitions 6
- Truth Be Told 5
- Upside Down Christmas 3
- Visions of Hope 6
- Visions of a King 4
- Welcome Home 5
- What If? 2
- Which Kind of Parenting is Best? 5
- Worth the Wait 3
- Anxiety & Fear 3
- Blessing 1
- Christian Growth 21
- Confidence 1
- Eternity 8
- Evangelism 1
- Grace 21
- Hope 19
- Hospitality 2
- Humanity 2
- Jesus' Identity 23
- Joy 22
- Justice 2
- Kingdom 4
- Mission & Discipleship 14
- Prayer 7
- Relationships 18
- Repentance 4
- Rest 4
- Sabbath 4
- Salvation 23
- Sin 14
- Suffering 2
- The Character of God 14
- The Church 25
- March 2025 2
- February 2025 4
- January 2025 4
- December 2024 5
- November 2024 4
- October 2024 4
- September 2024 5
- August 2024 4
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- March 2020 2

Come Together
Kyle Kauffman
If you ask someone to do something, hopeful you also give them to the tools they need to do it. When Jesus calls his followers to be his witnesses, he gives them the POWER they need to carry out this calling. More specifically he gives them the PERSON they need to carry out this calling. In Acts 2:1-41 we are told the story of the Holy Spirit’s arrival at Pentecost and provided the impact He makes in the lives of the disciples and the 3000 people who came to faith in Jesus that day. That same POWER and PERSON that was given to the disciples 2000 years ago is present and available to every follower of Jesus today to empower our lives, embolden our witness, and transform hearts through the gospel.
Acts 2:42-47

I’ve Got the Power
Joel Wood
If you ask someone to do something, hopeful you also give them to the tools they need to do it. When Jesus calls his followers to be his witnesses, he gives them the power they need to carry out this calling. More specifically he gives them the person they need to carry out this calling. In Acts 2:1-41 we are told the story of the Holy Spirit’s arrival at Pentecost. In this story we discover the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, the sealing promise of the Holy Spirit, the ordinary working of the Holy Spirit, and the universal offer of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 2:1-41

Witness Me
Joel Wood
When a significant event happens, we often look to people who can act as witnesses of that event. Witnesses are those who testify to what they have seen or heard. Jesus calls his disciples to act as his witnesses to tell others of what they have seen and heard Jesus say and do. This is the primary task Jesus calls disciples to. He calls them to be his witnesses in this world especially as it relates to his resurrection. We discover this is one of the very reasons why Jesus called and chose his first twelve disciples: so that they could act as his witnesses. But Jesus does not expect disciples to carry out this task in their own strength or power. He promises to provide his Holy Spirit to empower and equipe them as his witnesses. The same things remain true for us today as Jesus’ followers. We are called to be his witnesses in this world and to look to the Holy Spirit for strength and power to carry out this task.
Acts 1:5-26

Making Sense of Acts
Brandon Fisher
Introduce the book of Acts by looking back to the events that led up to the beginning of Acts – In particular the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. Talk about Luke being the Author of Acts and address Why He wrote the book of Acts. Especially focus in on the idea of being a disciple means we follow a Risen Savior and Ascended/Ruling Lord. The Book of Acts, and the actions of Jesus’ disciples in this book, only make sense in light of those two realities.
Matthew 28:18-20; Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:1-5

God's Heart For the World
Kyle Kauffman
Do we believe that God truly loves the world? Do we believe it is God’s desire to save sinners? Do we believe that God does not wish for any to perish? It’s easy for the church to become inward focused and to lose its passion to see the gospel advance and sinners saved. But when this happens, we actually have lost our understanding of God’s heart for the world. Jonah is a book that displays God’s love not just for his people, but also for those who are not yet his people. We, as his people, are called to have the same heart that God has for the world. God is always moving outward in His love for people and he calls the church reflect his heart by moving outward as well.
John 4:5-11

Welcoming the Stranger
Kyle Kauffman
It’s easy for the church as a whole and us as individuals to drift in the direction of an inward focus. There are so many needs within the church that we can spend all of our time simply focused on meeting them. But God has given us a mission, and that mission requires us moving out. Moving outward with a welcoming mindset towards those outside the church is uncomfortable and challenging. And yet as we move outward, we do so in the love of Christ, by the power of Christ, with faith in the promises of Christ. As part of God’s family, we can all take steps to move outward and extend welcoming arms toward others in hope that God will use us as a part of welcoming them into his family as well.
Luke 6:32-36

What Kind of Christians Will Your Children Be?
Keith Rohrer
Let’s say you’re not very interested in missions; you should come. Let’s say you’re a parent; you should come. Let’s say you think that disciplemaking is just for global workers; you should come. Let’s say you think the most important thing you can do is make a good living, or be a nice person, or help others, or…. you should come.

A Passion for Reaching the Next Generation
Joel Wood
One of the greatest privileges that God gives us is to tell the Next Generation about who He is and what He’s done for us. We get the incredible privilege of being God’s ambassadors and messengers to our kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, and anyone else we know in the next generation. This role of passing on the good news of who God is and what he’s done takes time and intentionality, along with flexibility and spontaneity. It takes teaching, modeling, and praying for the next generation. It is an incredibly high calling and an incredibility difficult calling. And yet we carry out this calling believing in a God who can use us as his instruments to create a passion in the Next Generation for God and His Glory.
Psalm 78

A Passion for Reaching the Nations
Brandon Fisher
The Old Testament primarily tells the story of God’s dealings with the people of Israel. But even in this story we find that God cares about the rest of the nations as well. He never intends his blessing and grace to stop with his people, but rather wants it to overflow in an effort to draw the nations to himself. God is on a mission to see his glory displayed and enjoyed among people from all the nations. He is accomplishing that mission. He will see it through to fulfillment. And we get the joyful privilege of being a part of the mission both globally and locally in our own community.
Psalm 67

A Passion for Generosity
Kyle Kauffman
God is an incredibly generous God. He owes us nothing and yet he gives us life, and breath, and all that we have. All that we truly deserve is judgment for our sin, yet God regularly displays his grace in how he generously provides for us. We glorify God not only by acknowledging His generosity, but also in being generous with all that he’s given us. We want to be a people who joyfully worship God by giving freely to meet the needs of others and see the gospel advance. We want to be a people who give generously so that in our generosity people might come to know the generous God who is behind all we have.
Psalm 112