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The Last Words of Jesus Kyle Kauffman The Last Words of Jesus Kyle Kauffman


Kyle Kauffman

One of the ways to speak of unsatisfied longings in our life is to use the language of thirst. Just as our mouths grow dry and our bodies long for water to quench our thirst, so also our hearts and souls thirst for what we believe will satisfy us.

John 19:28-30

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The Last Words of Jesus Kyle Kauffman The Last Words of Jesus Kyle Kauffman


Kyle Kauffman

Jesus views his family in a unique way. He is not controlled by his family and he warns against the idolatry of family. Yet he honors his family and cares for them even in the moments of greatest agony. He expands his family to include all who believe and obey him. In Jesus death, we see him creating a new family at the cross. No longer is family simply defined by our own definitions, but it is defined by Christ. As we look to the cross, we are welcomed into his family. And as part of his family, we are cared for by him and called to care for one another.

John 19:23-27

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The Last Words of Jesus Joel Wood The Last Words of Jesus Joel Wood


Joel Wood

To say that salvation is found in Christ alone is deeply offensive. It means that all of our “good deeds,” all the things that we look at in ourselves to take pride in or boast about count for nothing. It means that we are no better than a criminal who mocks Jesus as he dies. It means that there is no salvation outside of Christ. But to say that salvation is found in Christ alone is also deeply astonishing. It means that salvation is instant and free. It means salvation is fully dependent on another. It means that what was destroyed through one man’s sin is fully restored through another man’s obedience. So that when we believe in him, we get to enjoy him and all that is his.

Luke 23:39-43

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The Last Words of Jesus Kyle Kauffman The Last Words of Jesus Kyle Kauffman


Kyle Kauffman

Forgiveness is so central to Christianity that we can easily forget what a wonder it is that we are forgiven. Jesus’s first words on the cross open our eyes to see our own sinful depravity and God’s glorious grace.

Luke 23:32-38

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The Power of Our Transitions
Transitions Kyle Kauffman Transitions Kyle Kauffman

The Power of Our Transitions

Kyle Kauffman

The history of the church is one of God using unlikely people to proclaim an unlikely message that changes lives and the world. What God calls us to will almost always make us feel small and weak. We find God’s power to do and accomplish what we never could by looking to the Holy Spirit he has given to us. The Holy Spirit has been transforming people’s lives and using the most unlikely people to further the gospel throughout all of church history. We find the power we so desperately lack in Him.

1 Corinthians 2:1-16

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The Mission of Our Transitions
Transitions Kyle Kauffman Transitions Kyle Kauffman

The Mission of Our Transitions

Kyle Kauffman

The Church has always been given a mission because our God is a God on a mission. To live with a mission is to live with a purpose or goal. This is a purpose that can guide our way through life’s transitions. We have been given a mission… make disciples. This is not a mission for pastors only, for missionaries only, or for mature Christians only. This mission is for every single Christian.

Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:6-11

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The Gospel of Our Transitions
Transitions Kyle Kauffman Transitions Kyle Kauffman

The Gospel of Our Transitions

Kyle Kauffman

Have we been transferred into God’s kingdom? This is the one transition that matters more than anything else in our lives. And this is the transition that then shapes every other transition in our lives. The God who saves us by his grace is the God who continues to shape and mold us by his grace. And we look forward to the day when we will see him face-to-face.

Isaiah 40:1-11

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Vantage Point
Joel Wood Joel Wood

Vantage Point

Joel Wood

In moments where we are facing difficult things that happen in our lives, whether that be a certain trial we’re going through, a transition in life we are facing, a devastating loss, a shortage of something, an addiction we can’t seem to kick, or a situation that seems out of control, we are tempted to doubt God's love, power, and provision. What is more, when we try to impose our sense of timing and schedule on God, we will struggle to feel loved by Him. But if we could see things from God's vantage point, we would understand that He is always there, always working, and always has a perfect plan and purpose in store.

Mark 5:21-43

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The Grace for our Transitions
Transitions Kyle Kauffman Transitions Kyle Kauffman

The Grace for our Transitions

Kyle Kauffman

Transitions have a danger of engraining in us a deeper sense of self-sufficiency. But transitions should make us realize our own neediness. We are people who constantly depend on God to be gracious to us, take care of us, and provide us with all that we need. We believe the church, and all its people, grows and moves forward because he is at work in us. And as a result, we should be constantly calling out to him for help.

1 Kings 3:1-15; 1 Kings 10:8-9

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