The Author of Life
Kyle Kauffman // December 8 2024
John 1:1-3 introduces us to the “Who” behind Christmas. In one of the most precise, powerful statements in the Bible, John tells us the one who came as a baby at Christmas is the God who created life (and all things) and gives meaning to life and our existence. John reveals that behind and at very center of Christmas stands the God who wants to be Known. This is why He created, this is why He took on human flesh, this is why He still speaks to us today. We find that Christmas supplies answers to some of our most important questions in this life like, “Why am I here? How can I find meaning for my life? Does God exist? If He does, how can I know Him and relate to Him? And so we find that Christmas challenges us to orient our lives completely around knowing this God.
John 1:1-3; 17:3