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Loving For Forever
Forever Now Joel Wood Forever Now Joel Wood

Loving For Forever

Joel Wood

One of the main things we are called to do as Jesus’ followers is to love other people in this life. We are to love others just as Jesus has loved us. We are to love other people by helping to meet both physical and spiritual needs. And yet to love others in the present will also require making sacrifices in the present. True love always requires a willingness to sacrifice something for the sake of another. This is where we find that Heaven and the future hope we are promised from God guides and empowers us to sacrifice much in the present in order to love others. Forever reminds us that we should care about both physical needs and spiritual needs. Forever reminds us that our acts of love in the present have eternal significance. And forever gives us the motivation to sacrifice much in the present in order to love others, knowing that every sacrifice will prove to be worth it.

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Living For Forever
Forever Now Kyle Kauffman Forever Now Kyle Kauffman

Living For Forever

Kyle Kauffman

The future we are promised is meant to shape our lives in the present. One of the ways our future should shape the present is in motivating us to grow in holiness/Christlikeness. When we know that heaven is our true home it means we should be okay with living as foreigners in this world. When we know that one day, we will be perfectly holy, it should lead us to pursue holiness in our lives today. If we are going to spend forever with Christ, then it should lead us to live for Christ right now. Paul was a man who was consumed with thoughts of heaven, and as a result he was a man who was radically transformed in the present. We find in Paul’s words in Philippians 3:12-21 four ways that forever impacts how we live in the present.

Philippians 3:12-21; Colossians 3:1-4

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All Things New
Forever Now Kyle Kauffman Forever Now Kyle Kauffman

All Things New

Kyle Kauffman

We tend to spend more time focusing on “how” things will end in this life then we spend focusing on what will come afterwards. We often talk about the end times and how it we believe everything will end more than we actually talk about heaven and what comes after the “end.” What do you believe heaven will be like? What types of images and descriptions come to your mind as you think about heaven? While the descriptions of heaven we find in the Bible leave a lot to the imagination, they also give us some really important details that help us to imagine heaven. We find one picture of Heaven in Revelation 21-22. The picture we find is incredible! And the more we both understand and meditate on this future, the more we will find it having an impact on our present.

Revelation 21:1-8; 22:1-5

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Forever Is For Real
Forever Now Kyle Kauffman Forever Now Kyle Kauffman

Forever Is For Real

Kyle Kauffman

You are going to live forever. Let that sink in for a moment. Forever is where you are headed. Your life will not end the moment you stop breathing in on this earth. Rather, you will go on living forever after you die here and now. Many people are vague on whether or not forever exists. They may hope there is some sort of afterlife, and yet they are unsure if there really is. And yet many people are “sure” that if there is an afterlife then it must be good for everyone. Meanwhile many Christians believe they are going to live forever and yet we can spend so little time thinking about forever and what difference it makes for right now. The Bible is clear that we are going to live forever. It is also clear that there are two eternal destinies: Heaven and Hell. And there is only one person who can change our eternal destiny. As we look to Jesus, we discover that the future is certain and we discover that we can know our future for certain. And we are challenged to live with that future in view.

John 5:19-29

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A Better Sermon
Hebrews: Jesus is Better Kyle Kauffman Hebrews: Jesus is Better Kyle Kauffman

A Better Sermon

Kyle Kauffman

The plan to close our series on Hebrews is to simply read through the entire Book of Hebrews. In this way we hope to both recap and respond to all that we’ve been hearing in the book of Hebrews, to experience the book of Hebrews as a Sermon like it was originally intended, and to ask and trust God to simply speak and move through the reading of His Word on this Sunday Morning.

Hebrews 1-13

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A Better Life
Hebrews: Jesus is Better Kyle Kauffman Hebrews: Jesus is Better Kyle Kauffman

A Better Life

Kyle Kauffman

What does a life well-lived look like? That’s a question we all ask in some way. We know we only have one life to live and so we don’t want to waste our lives. In the midst of all the challenges, pressures, and temptations it can become easy to coast, drift, or just fail to consider the direction of our lives. Hebrews 13 puts before our eyes a vision of what a life well-lived looks like. The author of Hebrews has spent 12 chapters laying out what make Jesus better than anything or anyone else in this life. Based on all of this he concludes in Hebrews 13 by telling us a life well-lived is a life that seeks to please God by following Jesus. The author shows us in practical detail what this life looks like while reminding us that this life is only possible through God’s grace.

Hebrews 13:1-25

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A Better Race
Hebrews: Jesus is Better Brandon Fisher Hebrews: Jesus is Better Brandon Fisher

A Better Race

Brandon Fisher

Think of a time where you ran a race in your life (or where you set out to do something else that was challenging). Why did you run that race? What did you experience during the race? What kept you going when things got difficulty? What was it like to get to the finish line? The Christian Life can be compared to a race that we run through this life and this world. The race is not easy, but it is worth it. This is what the author of Hebrews is teaching us in Hebrews 12:1-29. He’s like a coach who is on the side cheering us on and yelling, “Keep going!” Endurance in the Christian race can be challenging for all sorts of reasons, but in the end, we will find that if we keep going it will all be worth it.

Hebrews 12:1-29

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A Better Reward Part 2
Hebrews: Jesus is Better Kyle Kauffman Hebrews: Jesus is Better Kyle Kauffman

A Better Reward Part 2

Kyle Kauffman

Faith is fueled by the promise of a better reward. As a result, faith is willing to give up all the “rewards” of this world. Faith knows that all this world offers to is only temporary and fading. But all that God promises to us is eternal and imperishable. In other words, faith operates with a whole different value system. It believes that God and all he promises to us is better than this world and all its fleeting praise, pleasure, and comfort. As a result, faith is willing to endure hardship and suffering in life. Faith believes there is something better that is worthy experiencing suffering and hardship to gain.

Hebrews 11:17-19; 23-38; 12:1-2

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A Better Reward Part 1
Hebrews: Jesus is Better Kyle Kauffman Hebrews: Jesus is Better Kyle Kauffman

A Better Reward Part 1

Kyle Kauffman

Christians are called to live by faith, not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7). And yet can also be accused of having blind faith in this life. The reality is that everyone lives by faith in certain areas of their lives. In our own time, the words, “You just need to believe” are a common refrain. And often the object of that belief is simply ourselves. The Christian puts his or her faith in a far greater object then self or any other human. We put our faith in the God who created this world and his Word. As a result, we live our lives seeking to gain what he has promised to us. We are willing to give up things this world values because we value the reward God offers more. In this way faith may look foolish in the eyes of the world, but faith is living for what can never be found in this world.

Hebrews 11:1-22

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A Better Assurance
Hebrews: Jesus is Better Kyle Kauffman Hebrews: Jesus is Better Kyle Kauffman

A Better Assurance

Kyle Kauffman

How can I be sure? That’s a question we might ask in all sorts of areas in our lives. And yet there may be no more important place we ask this then when we ask, “How can I be sure I am saved?” Or “How can I be sure I will remain a Christian?” A lack of assurance can be a terrible thing to endure. A false sense of assurance can lead to terrible consequences. But a true assurance of salvation is a wonderful thing to have. And it’s something God wants us to have. We should not base our assurance on our own feelings, a previous prayer, or a powerful conversion story. Neither should we dissolve into endless self-reflection that may cause us to doubt our salvation. In Hebrews 10:19-39 we find God gives us a better way to find and hold onto an assurance of salvation. He gives us the place to look for assurance, a practice to maintain assurance, a problem that can (and should) undermine our assurance, and proof that can help our assurance.

Hebrews 10:19-39

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