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Praying For... Kyle Kauffman Praying For... Kyle Kauffman


Kyle Kauffman

The gospel is never meant to be a treasure that we simply hang onto. It is meant to be the good news we also offer to the world. The gospel will not advance without people proclaiming the gospel. But we should be just as aware that the gospel will not advance without us praying for the advance of the gospel. (We want to see what God did at Keystone this week in us spill out into our communities. To that end we should pray that God would use us to advance the gospel in our surrounding areas).

Colossians 4:2-4; Ephesians 6:18-20; 2 Corinthians 4:4-6

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Praying For... Kyle Kauffman Praying For... Kyle Kauffman


Kyle Kauffman

We are constantly accumulating new information. Whether it is in reading, observing, talking, or just simply reflecting, we are people who live according to what we already know and make adjustments in our lives based on new knowledge. Sadly, knowledge has often come to simply be associated with knowing certain facts. Knowledge is meant to be so much more then knowing mere facts. Knowledge is meant to shape and impact the way that we live. Knowledge for the Christian should lead to love, trust, and obedience. How often do we pray for this type of knowledge? Our prayers should be directed to growing in knowledge, not so that we can simply be smarter, but so that we can live a life of worship and a life pleasing to God.

Colossians 1:3-14

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Praying For... Kyle Kauffman Praying For... Kyle Kauffman


Kyle Kauffman

As a parent, one of your great desires is to see your kids grow up and mature. As great as it is to have young kids, no one wants to see their kids remain young forever. We want to see kids grow into mature adults. In the same way, we should want to grow as Christians. We should want to mature and become more and more like Christ in how we think, in how we feel, in how we speak, and in how we live. This is God’s ultimate goal for us – to be conformed to the image of Jesus. How often does this goal show up in and shape both our prayers for ourselves and for others? We should pray for God to complete the work he began in us by helping us to become more like Jesus.

Philippians 1:3-11

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Praying For... Kyle Kauffman Praying For... Kyle Kauffman


Kyle Kauffman

Prayer is an acknowledgment of our weakness and God’s power. It’s a recognition that we are dependent people and a recognition that God is capable of doing anything. While we tend to naturally know that, how often do we pray for God’s power to be at work in us and in others rather than simply for his power to be at work in changing circumstances? God has incredible power to work in our lives. And we should pray for Him to unleash that power in order to strengthen us.

Ephesians 3:14-21

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Praying For... Kyle Kauffman Praying For... Kyle Kauffman


Kyle Kauffman

Hope is an incredibly powerful thing in our lives. It has the ability to shape our outlook day-by-day. It can shape how we go through our lives. It can strengthen us to walk through the most difficult times. It can sustain us when we are tempted to give up. In short, hope has the ability to make a massive difference in your life. Yet how often do we pray for hope both for ourselves and for others? If hope is such a powerful thing in our lives, we should pray that God will fill us with hope. We should pray for a hope that is centered on God. We should pray for hope that is clear, powerful, and unwavering for both ourselves and other people.

Ephesians 1:15-23

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A Passion for Reaching the Next Generation
Heartbeat Joel Wood Heartbeat Joel Wood

A Passion for Reaching the Next Generation

Joel Wood

One of the greatest privileges that God gives us is to tell the Next Generation about who He is and what He’s done for us. We get the incredible privilege of being God’s ambassadors and messengers to our kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, and anyone else we know in the next generation. This role of passing on the good news of who God is and what he’s done takes time and intentionality, along with flexibility and spontaneity. It takes teaching, modeling, and praying for the next generation. It is an incredibly high calling and an incredibility difficult calling. And yet we carry out this calling believing in a God who can use us as his instruments to create a passion in the Next Generation for God and His Glory.

Psalm 78

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A Passion for Reaching the Nations
Heartbeat Brandon Fisher Heartbeat Brandon Fisher

A Passion for Reaching the Nations

Brandon Fisher

The Old Testament primarily tells the story of God’s dealings with the people of Israel. But even in this story we find that God cares about the rest of the nations as well. He never intends his blessing and grace to stop with his people, but rather wants it to overflow in an effort to draw the nations to himself. God is on a mission to see his glory displayed and enjoyed among people from all the nations. He is accomplishing that mission. He will see it through to fulfillment. And we get the joyful privilege of being a part of the mission both globally and locally in our own community.

Psalm 67

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A Passion for Living Authentically
Heartbeat Kyle Kauffman Heartbeat Kyle Kauffman

A Passion for Living Authentically

Kyle Kauffman

One of the things we can’t escape as we read through the Psalm is how honest and raw the psalmists are in their worship of God. They lay before God their struggles, doubts, difficulties, pains and more. And they lay these things bare before other people as well. It’s so easy for us to hide what is really happening within us in our hearts either from God (who already knows) or from other people. The Psalmist’s show us that glorifying God is not putting on a nice face and act, but rather it’s found in wrestling with the difficult and painful realities of life in God’s presence. We glorify God by laying our hearts bare before him and walking with him through the painful, discouraging, and overwhelming moments of our lives. We also glorify God as we share our struggles with others and invite them in to support, encourage, and pray for us.

Psalm 13

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A Passion for Generosity
Heartbeat Kyle Kauffman Heartbeat Kyle Kauffman

A Passion for Generosity

Kyle Kauffman

God is an incredibly generous God. He owes us nothing and yet he gives us life, and breath, and all that we have. All that we truly deserve is judgment for our sin, yet God regularly displays his grace in how he generously provides for us. We glorify God not only by acknowledging His generosity, but also in being generous with all that he’s given us. We want to be a people who joyfully worship God by giving freely to meet the needs of others and see the gospel advance. We want to be a people who give generously so that in our generosity people might come to know the generous God who is behind all we have.

Psalm 112

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A Passion for God’s Word
Heartbeat Ben Armstrong Heartbeat Ben Armstrong

A Passion for God’s Word

Ben Armstrong

We want to be people of the Book. We believe God has written us a book and speaks through a book and so we want to be people who listen to and hear His voice as we read the Bible. We believe that a heart after God and his glory is a heart that delights in God’s Word and is more and more shaped by God’s Word. We want to have a regular commitment to taking in God’s Word so that we might be people who are shaped and influenced by it.

Psalm 1

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