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Our God Rules
Visions of Hope Kyle Kauffman Visions of Hope Kyle Kauffman

Our God Rules

Kyle Kauffman

Has life ever not gone the way you expected or hoped? That’s probably a dumb question to ask, because the obvious answer for everyone is YES! Our lives inevitably look different than what we thought they would. And many times, our lives look different than what we hoped or wanted them to be. The dreams we have for our life collapse around us. The life we find ourselves living seems to be more of a grind then a joy. We find life be far more difficult and discouraging then what we thought it would be. If you’ve ever experienced this, then Zechariah is a book for you! Zechariah’s first vision and last vision is meant to instill hope in people in the face of the difficulties, challenges, and disappointments we face in this life by reminding us that our God rules over everything and everyone.

Zechariah 1:7-17; 6:1-8

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Hope in Odd Places
Visions of Hope Kyle Kauffman Visions of Hope Kyle Kauffman

Hope in Odd Places

Kyle Kauffman

We long for second chances. We all know the feeling of having blown it… whether in the immediate past or distant past. How can we get back on track after our failures? Where do we find hope in the face of screwing up yet again? Can I really get another chance at life after I’ve really messed up? Zechariah is written to a people desperately in need of a restart and a second chance. And his initial charge to them is to repent and seek God’s favor. This is the soil that hope grows in when we are discouraged with our own failures. It’s also the soil that the Christian life grows and thrives from.

Zechariah 1:1-6

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Pause to Restore
Press Pause Brandon Fisher Press Pause Brandon Fisher

Pause to Restore

Brandon Fisher

The Sabbath specifically (and rest generally) can so easily become just another duty for us to do. But it was never meant to be this way. The Sabbath is a gift that God gives to us so that we might regularly be restored and renewed. We need to realize that resting will require boundaries, but those boundaries are about restoring health and life (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual). We need to be both carful of making rules where God has made none, and careful of disregarding what God says is good. Resting well will require asking good questions, putting into place good boundaries, and developing good practices and habits. But we also need to remember that none of these things can provide us with the rest we ultimately need. It’s only in Christ that we find true rest for our souls.

Mark 2:23-3:6; Luke 6:1-11; Matthew 11:25-30

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Pause to Relate
Press Pause Kyle Kauffman Press Pause Kyle Kauffman

Pause to Relate

Kyle Kauffman

There is a constant danger in our lives to prioritize things that don’t really matter and deprioritize things that do really matter. Or to prioritize things of less importance of things of greater importance. Part of the danger of being so busy and never (or rarely stopping to rest) is that we never get the chance to ask, “What really matters in this life?” At the top of our list should be relationships. Both our relationship with God and our relationships with other people are meant to be of greatest importance in our lives. This is why God’s greatest commandment is to love Him and love your neighbor. But these relationships get displaced by all sorts of other (often good) things. Pausing both helps us to remember how important relationships are and provides us with the time and space to enjoy the relationships we have.

Luke 10:38-42; Luke 14:16-24; Matthew 22:34-40

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Pause to Rejoice
Press Pause Kyle Kauffman Press Pause Kyle Kauffman

Pause to Rejoice

Kyle Kauffman

Rest is intricately connected to the gospel. God sets his people free from slavery so that they can rest. Jesus invites his people to come to him so that they can find rest. The future we are promised in Christ is a future of eternal rest. Our failure to rest well is in many ways a failure to believe the gospel. When we don’t believe the gospel we look to other false gods to save us. But these gods just end up enslaving us and robbing us of rest. But when we believe in the gospel we are free to rest today because God has finished the work to save us in Christ. And we are free to rest today because God’s promises to us are secured in Christ. We rest well when we believe the gospel and rejoice in all that God has done and promises to do for us.

Deuteronomy 5:12-15; Matthew 11:25-30; Luke 10:17-20; Hebrew 4:1-11

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Pause to Remember
Press Pause Kyle Kauffman Press Pause Kyle Kauffman

Pause to Remember

Kyle Kauffman

We have a tendency to view rest with either suspicion or as optional add-on to our lives. We think, “If I rest, won’t I miss out on something important in my life, or even worse, become lazy.” Or we think, “Rest is a good thing, but I just don’t have time to rest. Maybe if I get everything done, I’ll rest. Or maybe in another stag of life, I’ll be able to rest. But for now, there is no time to rest.” But from the start for the world, God gave people rest, commanded people to rest, and has connected rest with our faith in him. While the Sabbath looks different for us then it did for the Israelites, the principle remains the same. Rest is not bad, it is good. Rest is not optional, it is necessary. Rest provides the space for us to remember and worship the God who created and sustains everyone and everything. We are invited and commanded to pause and rest so that we might have time to wonder at God, the world he’s made, and the life he’s given to us.

Genesis 1:31-2:3; Exodus 20:8-11

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Reason for Joy
Joy Full Kyle Kauffman Joy Full Kyle Kauffman

Reason for Joy

Kyle Kauffman

As we go through life our circumstances change from day-to-day. There are moments where it’s easy to have joy because everything is going well. And there are moments where it’s difficult to have joy because nothing seems to be going well. Yet if we believe in the gospel we have reason for joy in any and every circumstance we face. We have a joy in Christ that can both transcend our circumstances and transform how we face our circumstances. This doesn’t mean that joy will not be intermixed with sorrow and sadness. But it means as we fight to have joy in this life we will always have good reasons for joy because of Jesus.

1 John 5:14-21

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The Grounding of Our Faith
Joy Full Kyle Kauffman Joy Full Kyle Kauffman

The Grounding of Our Faith

Kyle Kauffman

Why do we believe what we believe? It’s a question we all tend to ask at times. And there are lots of different answers we may give to that question. The Christian faith is not something we simply believe because we want it to be true. It’s something we believe because it really is true. Our faith in grounded in historical events that testify to the truth of what we believe. And the Holy Spirit confirms within us that what we believe is true. As a result of this, Christian’s can have a hope for the future that is both secure and certain. We are able to bank on God’s promises because we see what he has already done for us in Jesus. And so we are able to live with a joy in God’s promises knowing that because of Jesus they all come true.

1 John 5:6-13

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The Eyes of Faith
Joy Full Kyle Kauffman Joy Full Kyle Kauffman

The Eyes of Faith

Kyle Kauffman

The Christian life is a life of faith. We live by faith in God and we live by faith in a God who loved us and gave up his Son for us. This faith should always lead to/produce love for God and love for others. But faith is not ultimately something that we produce. It is the result of God’s regenerating work in us (both past and present). Our faith then is evidenced by love for God and love for others. Love is evidence of faith which is evidence of God’s work in regenerating us. Therefore, our faith and love are not things we boast in, but things that lead us to boast in the God who has saved us and changed us.

1 John 5:1-5

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The Spirit-Powered Christ-Life
Joy Full Joel Wood Joy Full Joel Wood

The Spirit-Powered Christ-Life

Joel Wood

We do not have the power to live the life God calls us to on our own. The Christian life is not a grit your teeth and try harder to obey what God calls us to obey. The Christian life is finding power in God to do what God calls us to. God gives us the Holy Spirit so that we might both be assured of his love and so that we might be transformed into loving people. The Spirit frees us from the fear of falling short and enables us to truly love God and love each other as God has called us to.

1 John 4:13-21

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