We’re All (Not) So Different
Joel Wood // September 10 2023
The church is designed to be full of people that are different. The church is not meant to be built on the ground that we look the same, talk the same, vote the same, enjoy the same hobbies, have the same culture, or even speak the same language. Rather the church is meant to be built on the ground that we are all united together in Christ. It is our common identity in Christ that is meant to supersede all other identities and preferences we may have. It is Jesus who has torn down all the walls that may have separated us. And because of Jesus we are meant to welcome one another and seek to tear down or remove any walls that may separate us today. The more centered our lives are around Jesus, the more united the church will be with Jesus as the bond that holds us together. And the more the world will see a testimony to how great Jesus is.
Ephesians 2:11-22