Turn and Fight

Joel Wood // January 26 2025

There is a danger that we would treat confession as an end in and of itself. This is especially true in our time that prizes “authenticity” above all else. We want to be authentic and honest about our sin, but that is not the end goal for us. Rather, our goal and desire is to grow to be more like Christ and to be authentic in who we are as God’s sons and daughters. This means we are meant to fight against sin and pursue holiness. Confession is part of this war, but we must realize it is only one part of it. Confession should never replace fighting sin in our lives. Rather, it should be the starting point from which we continue to fight sin in our lives. This means that when we confess our sins to other people, we are inviting them into the fight with us and seeking allies in our war against sin.

Romans 7; Romans 8:1-13; Matthew 5:27-30


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