The End…

Kyle Kauffman // April 10 2022

There are moments in life where we must entrust things into the care of other people. Lovers entrust their hearts to one another. Parents entrust their children to others when they go away. We entrust our finances to a financial advisor. Sick people entrust their health to a doctor. Aging parents entrust their kids with their care. What we are doing in those moments is taking something valuable and committing it to someone else to care for. We are telling that other person; I trust you to take care of this. Jesus had committed his whole life to living for the Father. He lived to do the Father’s will and believed the Father would take care of him. And now as his physical body is about to take its last breath, he commits/entrusts his soul to God’s care. He shows that even in death he is committed to doing God’s will and that even death cannot separate him from the loving care of his Father.

Luke 23:44-46


The Great Reversal

