Fierce Marriage
Class Synopsis: When Gary Thomas says in the forward to Ryan & Selena Frederick’s excellent book Fierce Marriage, “Ultimately, your marriage is about proclaiming the power and glory of Jesus Christ,” no doubt he raises eyebrows of more than a few Christian spouses. After all, how many marriages are little more than two people demanding (verbally or otherwise) of each other, “Make me happy!”? When anybody’s happiness is the main event in a marriage, the Architect of marriage and His purposes often are ignored. And yet, He is the necessary foundation. This course will help you cultivate your relationship with Christ, your spouse, and shape your marriage to be a testimony to the world.
Taught by Fred & Missy Hoover // Sept-Oct 2022
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8