Parent + Child Dedication is a great time of joy as we publicly commend parents and their children to the Lord. We call it “Parent + Child Dedication” rather than “Child Dedication” because we are not only dedicating children to God, but their parents as well for Godly parenting. But what does that mean and, maybe even more importantly, how do I do that?
We will be hosting a special Parent-Child Dedication Class on Sunday, January 14th, during the 10:35am service to talk through all of this and what it looks like to dedicate yourselves and your children to the Lord. We will then have a Parent-Child Dedication Celebration on Sunday, January 21st, at 9:00am which will include the ceremony, a special brunch, activities and memorable moments as we bless and pray for the parents and children being dedicated.
Please register by December 31st and make sure to verify your child's full name and birthdate during the registration process. If you have any questions, contact the church office at or 717-768-7213.
*Space is limited to 8 families
Class: Sunday, January 14th @ 10:35a in Fellowship Hall South
Ceremony: Sunday, January 21st @ 9:00a during the first service
Celebration: Sunday, January 21st @ 10:35a in Fellowship Hall South (brunch included)